Sunday, May 18, 2014

Are you short? If yes, congrats!

Good news for short men all around the world! Finally after all the years of being poked fun at, we can finally tell the tall people: in your faces!

Scientists at the University of Hawai'i have concluded a study that suggests shorter men live longer. After splitting a sample of approximately 1200 men into those 5'2" and shorter and 5'4" and taller, they found out that those in the former group constantly outlived those in the latter. This phenomenon was seen across the range from 5' to 6'.

The researchers believe that this is due to the longevity gene FOX03, of which shorter men tend to have the protective form of, leading to smaller body size during early development. Shorter men also had lower blood insulin levels and lower cancer risks. This relationship had been observed in other organisms such as mice, roundworms, flies and even yeast but never in humans before this study. However, one of the scientists noted that this does not mean that taller people cannot live a healthy lifestyle and that the healthy lifestyle can sometimes offset the FOX03 genotype.

This research was based on the Kuakini Honolulu Heart Program, which is the only longitudinal research project which studies epidemiological and clinical data from Japanese-American men for over 50 years. It is also the only research project with detailed information about the subjects' demography, lifestyle and medical conditions in the world.

With such a conprehensive database, I am sure more infornation can be weaned from it about how people can live longer. Furthermore, it is yet another study that proves healthy living can allow you to live a longer life. It is research like this that allows us humans to constantly increase our expected lifespans, separating us from other organisms in the animal kingdom. However, we must never be too arrogant in saying we are completely different as seen by the various similarities we have with them, even with microorganisms such as yeast.

What do you think? What do you believe is the main takeaway from this research? Comment your views down below!


University of Hawaii at Manoa. (2014, May 9). Shorter men live longer, study shows. Science Daily. Retrieved May 13, 2014 from

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